Bharathan will be directing Ilayathalapathy Vijay next ('Vijay 60') after the star completes his current 59th film. And with the look of things, Ajith might team up with director Siva again for his 'Thala 57'.
Since Ajith underwent a surgery recently, he is expected to be on rest for another 3 months or so at least. And it is said that Vijay is likely to commence his Bharathan film in the month of March. So both the heroes may start their respective new films by summer 2016. Given the track record of the directors and actors in question, one could expect the entire shoot process of both films to complete in a 4 to 5 month period, and if you look for an ideal release window for such biggies, the obvious choice would be Diwali day next year.
So will we see another Thala - Thalapathy battle next Diwali? Well it is a little too soon to comment on that but we cannot rule out the possibility as well. So let us wait and see how things shape up!
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